25 January 2010

it's been a year

since i didn't hang out with my best friend in JHS. i miss them, of course.
last wednesday, my best friends Ika and Anggi come to play in my house.
it's been so nice since Ika is living in Malang and Anggi in Bandung now, they are not often been able in Jakarta. but this time is our holiday, and we're going to have some good time.

ki-ka : ika, nisa, gw, anggi
jaman SMP kelas 2.. ckckckk

ki-ka : gw, anggi, ika
ngumpul lagi pas udah SMA,, kita semua udah kepisah, hiks :'(
gw di 34, anggi di 47, dan ika di 70 

then here is the latest photos :

ki-ka: ika, gw, anggi

i feel that we're not changed a lot, maybe yeah in the outer appearance, but, the attitude and behaviour of each of us still remains like always :)

btw, i also missed Iefty, Dara, and Nisa too! we used to be always 6 in the past year. now everyone has their business so, it's kinda difficult to get along together.

ki-ka: dara, anggi, ika, nisa, gw, iefty
*ampun.. jelek banget ye guee.. ampe malu nihh >< *

kenangan terakhir saat wisuda BM 400 thn 2006.. hiks, kangen!

hope we can have some fun together soon, dear!