12 June 2013

Simple Birthday Cake Recipe ~ :)

*re-post from my tumblr ^^

Bahan-bahan :
135gr tepung terigu
135gr gula pasir
125gr mentega (dicairkan)
5 butir telur
35 gr cokelat bubuk
½ sdt pengembang kue (SP/TBM)
untuk hiasan : bisa cokelat dilelehkan, bisa jg pake whip cream, tapi kalo gw pake cokelat sama buah strawberry
cara membuat:
1. siapin telur, masukkan gula + pengembang kue, lalu kocok dengan mixer
2. kocok teruuus sampe mengembang
dari kayak gini:
sampe kayak gini: (Warnanya sampe jadi putih)
3. laluu, masukkan tepung terigu serta cokelat bubuk
lalu diaduk pake spatula yaa, sampe rata!
4. masukkan mentega cair, lalu aduk rata lagi!
5. oke, adonan beres. siapin loyang, bentuknya sih terserah tapi gw pake yang bulat ukuran diameter 22 sm. kasih mentega dan sedikit terigu
6. laluu, masukin tuh adonannya ke loyang
7. masukin ke oven deh! kurang lebih 30 menit dengan suhu 180 derajat celcius.
8. setelah 30 menit, dicek dulu pake garpu apa bagian dalemnya udah mateng juga ato beluum..
kalo udah, dikeluarin dari loyang dn tunggu sampe nggak terlalu panass
9. belah kue jadi dua bagian, supaya tengahnya bisa di kasih sesuatuu
10. terus, dikasih pelapis yg lo mau. gw sih pake pasta blueberry sama strawberry
laluuu, ditutup lagi deh bagian atasnya pake potongan kue yang lain.
DONE WITH THE CAKE! skrg ngehiasnyaa :)
1. lelehkan coklat
2. tuang di atas kue
3. trus kasih strawberry buat hiasan
4. oiya, bagian pinggirnya kan nggak rapi tuh, nah dibikin pager coklat kyk gini
truus, dibikin kyk gini:
naah, kalo udah jadii kyk gini, tinggal dikasih tulisan deh di atasnya pake coklat putih
simpen di kulkas deh !
mudah sekali bukaan? ayoo ayoo bikin , hehehe
yang selanjutnya mau post ttg cupcakes buatan gw, tapi lupa foto step by stepnya nih:( maybe next time. selamat mencoba!

18 January 2013

[Fangirl Pleasure] SMTown Live In Jakarta + The Nyais Comeback!

Concert Report: SMTown Live in Jakarta!!

3 years ago, when I start loving SHINee and Super Junior, I always thought its nearly impossible to have their concert in my country. But now... everything is possible. Being an SM artists' fan, I always wondering when will SMTown be held in Indonesia, as only with this concert I will able to see all of my fav idols packed in one stage!

and last year, 2012, around mid-june the local KPOP Fandoms shocked by the announcement of SMTown concert in Stadium Gelora Bung Karno. I'm so excited as this concert is like...most wanted concert ever, but I got some dilemmas.

Fortunately, the ticket price were not that high.
Unfortunately, I don't have much money that time.

After much time of thinking, finally, I bought the cheapest tix, it costs around 500k IDR (approx 50USD) and pre-ordered it with fanbase. I helped Anggi and Nita in many contest and happily won two free tix for them. Later, two of my teenager neighbor want to watch the concert too, but their mom didn't allow them to go WITHOUT ME. So in the end, I was busy searching for tickets for them and I almost lost the chance to watch this concert because on the concert day, I didn't get any tix left for tribune 3A D: after searching for it in the twitter, i managed to get one with cheaper price but one more problem.. the tickets were separated in tribune 3A and 3B and I feel like deja vu!! This is exactly what happened to me, galuh, and anggi on SS3 concert day... but being stubborn myself, the last-minute luck always come to me :DD Just a second (yes, a second!!) before we went to different  gate, someone asked us to trade the tix and TADAAAAA~! Finally...huffff... finallyyyy~~ Me, galuh, anggi, revi, resa, nita, alisha, and  my two neighbor all went to the same tribune :D

Enough speaking, Check out the photos in the venue!
My Outfit for this concert! But forgot to bring the towel, lol

Resa, Galuh & Revyyy!

Tribune 3B~ from the highest point!

View from my seat~ soooo far away but nice view!

Me & galuh's kyumin lightstick <3 td="td">
Sapphire blue is dominating ^^

Nita and Alisha!


Highest point of Stadiun Gelora Bung Karno


Revy & Resa~ Saturday nite in GBK.. so sweeet laa

For the concert review.. just check out my highlight fancam!

In all of my fancam, you can hear myself talking with revy or I screamed and singing to loud, or the cute scream from galuh who sat beside me XD I took fancam only for memories, anyway.

This concert is so much fun! Maybe because I tend to enjoy all the song and performance, less fangirling, and have fun with my friends. I may consider watching this kind of concert in the distance again because the view is amazing-especially in night! I really really really hope they will held SMTown in Jakarta again! Hope so!