12 May 2015

Just some random pics i found in my long-lost flashdisk

Yesterday i found my flashdisk that have been missing for years! It contains lots of things from my college era, around year 2012. It does bring back some memories, so i want to post some of them that i found interesting in here. The pictures taken below mostly taken from my former galaxy tab with camera360 (I was obsessed with that app that time lol) so it has similiar filter effects xD

my room before i re-decorated it in mid-2012. It was considered tidy, because i usually messed up my room only 2-3 days after cleaning it haha. 

The padlock i specially prepared to be locked in Namsan Tower.. haha too bad few months ago when i went to namsan tower again i couldn't find that lock :( but i managed to hang another one..  another lonely padlock haha when will i ever hang a couple-padlock there zzz
Packing for seoul ~ i remember how excited i was that time, its a "going to my dream city for the first time" feeling! in fact, packing is stressful cause its always hard to choose what to wear and what not to bring.

The pink-black vintage luggage is my ultimate travelmate ~ meanwhile the polkadot one is anggi's luggage i bought in seoul. i remember i took this pic in incheon airport before going home.