26 December 2016

[Travel Journal] Badaling Great Wall, China

Another video of my last trip to Beijing, China. It was winter and the weather's crazy. But still, exploring new places excited me at all times. Enjoy!

[Theres a lot i want to tell, but not in the mood to write right now so maybe i'll comeback edit later]

[Travel Journal] Panda House, Beijing Zoo

Because Recently i'm in the mood to edit videos, so..

Pandas are so adorable! If only I can hug you~~ I regret that i didnt buy panda plushies there T_T

09 October 2016


when I just feel like editing something~

16 September 2016

Thank you Kitamura-San

When we went to Hitachi Seaside Park this summer, suddenly a japanese photographer named Kitamura-san with giant camera asked me to be his model. LOL. I know japanese photographer's works are great, so I let him took some photos of me.

Actually, I did not know what to pose and and its pretty awkward haha. In the end, he took photos of all of us together. He asked me if I had SD Card so he can shoot photos with my memory card, but my camera's card is microSD >_< But then I asked him to send the photos to my email and give him a piece of paper with my email on it.

Two days later, he did sent me the photos and my guess was right, its turned out very nice! Cameras don't lie hahaha.

Check out some of his photos:

This place is Miharashi no Oka's section of the park, between Zinnia's garden and Sunflower garden.
Pretty, isn't it?

Ah, of course we won't forget to take pictures together for memories.

Thank you again, Kitamura-San!

26 August 2016

Talkshow Muslimah~

Sebenernya, gw dikasih tugas bikin desain spanduk sama ketua divisi 3D seminar muslimah. Hasil desainnya kayak giniii......

Tapiii, karena gw udah keburu cuti sebelum revisi-revisi dijalanin, akhirnya desain gw gak kepake :''D dan dibikinin desain lain sama ketua divisinya :""D

ya salah gw juga sih karena gak bisa revisi beberapa materi, jadinya gak kepake. hiks
yaudalah yaa... abis ini bikin desain buat backdrop photobooth aja :""

24 August 2016


Hari ini berhasil donor darah! yeayy
Senin kemarin dapat email ada donor darah di GCC hari Rabu ini. Agak pesimis sebenernya, karena kemariiin bgt baru cek tensi di rs borromeus cuma 90/70. Karena itu, gw gak yakin kalo bisa tembus pre-check upnya. Hey, kita tidak boleh menyerah sebelum mencoba :D Selama hari senin-selasa gw makan yang banyak, menghindari minum obat, istirahat yg banyak. Hari rabu pagi, gw merasa badan gw sehat. Ini penting, karena saat kita ngerasa gak sehat sedikit aja bisa jadi tensi/hb darah udah ga normal. Nah tapi dodolnya, rabu pagi itu gw malah nggak sarapan nasi...gara2 pas mau makan di kantin ga ada temen :| jdnya cm makan lontong arem2 aja deh. 

Jam 9 lewat sekian, Bu Yani tiba2 ngajakin ke gcc donor darah. saat itu posisinya Capt kinan lg sibuk sm mas zudha, yaudah gw manfaatin buat cao (tapi izin dulu lah pastinya). Sampai di auditorium GCC, ternyata udah rame bgtt. Jadi inget bbrp bulan yg lalu mau donor jg tapi ga kebagian jatah. Yauda gw daftar, nunggu dipanggil (lama bgt stngah jam) lalu cek kesehatan. Pertama, periksa hb.. tegang nih. Selama menunggu gw terus-terusan berdoa ya Allah kasih kesempatan buat donor...semoga badan gw sehat... dan subhanallah, hb gw lolos pre-check! gak dikasih tau berapa sih, yg jelas di atas 12. Selanjutnya, cek tensi. Nah inii... mungkin gak ya tensi gw balik normal dlm waktu 3 hari? pas di cek...ternyata 120/80!! Yaay lolos pre checkπŸ˜†

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya jadi juga donor darah setelah skip sekitar 8 bulan. gw dapet giliran paling akhir, itu udah sekitar jam 11.20. Jadi nunggunya aja sejam lebih.. Donor kali ini, ditusuk jarumnya agak sakit, beda sama di fatmawati atau sency. dan after-effectnya kepala gw agak pusing...


04 August 2016


μ§„μ§œ μ–΄μƒ‰ν•˜λ‹€πŸ˜³πŸ˜³πŸ˜³ 
λ„ˆλ¬΄ μ›ƒκ²¨πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

μš°λ¦¬λŠ” μ™œ κ·Έλ ‡κ²Œ 어색해???
λ‹€μŒμ— 같이 웃기면 μ’‹κ² λ‹€πŸ˜Š

02 August 2016

Periksa mata

Jam 20.00 WIB, masih di Eka Hospital, masih antri pembayaran entah berapa lama lagi.

Jangan heran kalau tiba2 nulis banyak post, karena gatau mau ngapain.. buka instagram males (karena barusan habis ngepost haha), buka path udah ga pernah, facebook apalagi, twitter lg gak mood buat fangirlingan..

Ini ceritanya, Seharusnya gw ke dokter dari kemarin, karena mata kanan gw rasanya udah ga enak dr hri minggu sore setelah acara nikahan Arindi. Hari itu, gw pake kombinasi softlens+fake eyelashes yang merupakan duo maut yg sangat gw hindari. Bener ternyata, selepas acara mata langsung rasanya perih dan kayak ada yg ganjel. Lihat di kaca, kayak ada putih2 di kornea mata, tp sok2an yaudah palingan besok sembuh (karena sebelumnya uda pernah kasus begini).

Ternyata besoknya masih belum hilang, mata gw mudah berair dan kalo ngeliat jauh agak burem (apa entah minus nambah). Mau cek ke eka hospital hari itu  juga, eeeh ternyata ga bawa kartunya. plus kemarin puasa jadi pusing2 gitu mulai dari siang, kyknya ga sanggup kalo harus ke dokter sekarang.

Akhirnya hari ini, dari pagi udah daftar ke eka hospital. Dokternya Dr Zulfahdy, yg merupakan temennya Capt Kinan dan sekampung jg sama2 padang. Beliau ga inget gw sih karena uda setahun yg lalu periksa mata ke dia, jd tadi ga pake acra ngobrol2 dulu. Pas di cek, benarlh adanya mata kanan gw infeksi. Dikasih obat ini-itu, vitamin ini-itu, dan minggu depan di suruh datang lagi. Sementara itu, surprisingly, ternyata minus kacamata gw nggak bertambah. Malah yg kiri turun. Wow! eh jangan seneng dulu. Tapii silindernya nambah jadi 0.5. Masih kecil sih, jadi komposisinya kalo mau pake softlens yg ga ada silinder, minusnya tetep ditambahin kyk sebelumnya aja. Waktu tadi cek sih paling enak kalo pake silinder di kacanya. Kayaknya memang harus lebih dibiasakan pakai kacamata terus.. kurangi softlense! aaah aku cinta softlense padahal...tapi demi kesehatan... 

Nah, akhirnya gw dipanggil. Ternyata vitaminnya ga di cover inhealth... jadi bayar 157rb. Tapi pas liat kwitansinya, agak shock sih totalnya sampe 1,2jt an.. Rawat jalan aja skrg mahal banget ya?? Alhamdulillah sisanya masih di cover asuransi ^^

Nah ini sekarang nunggu antrian obat. Semoga gak terlalu lama, karena perut udah laper banget. Abis ini mungkin gw nyari makanan di sekitar sini baru pesen uber pulang ke rumah. pengen cepet pulang dan tidur... besok masih ngantor! :|

ini dia penampakan obat2nya
obat tetesnya ada 2 jenis, ditetesin selang 5 menit, sebanyak 5-6x sehari. It means setiap 3-4 jam harus tetes mata. Berhubung gw orangnya suka lupa dan ga ada yg ngingetin jugaaa.. alhasil gw bikin alarm di hp sampe kayak gini

jujur teknik ini ampuh banget sih✌🏼️

"This world is nothing but temporary conveniences, and the greatest joy in this world is a righteous woman"
-Prophet Muhammad SAW

The clever and sensitive Muslim woman does not forget that one of the deeds that she should do in life, after worshipping Allah, is to be successful in endearing herself to her husband and filling their whole family with joy. A love in marriage that is started because of Allah, will grow strong with Allah. Bismillah, I hope I'm on the way for this kind of marriage...

Suddenly can't sleep ........ T_T

Akhir-akhir ini kayaknya darah rendah semakin parah... mulai jam 3 sore udah kliyengan. 
Apa mungkin karena efek maraton puasa dan kekurangan gizi kali ya.. tapi setiap sahur udah minum vitamin sama sangobion.. tapi tetep aja........

Gw sadar sih kalo berat badan gw sudah mulai mengkhawatirkan.. uda nyaris di ambang 45 lagi, which means no chance to donate blood hiks :'(
Gapapa jangan sedih nanti kalo uda selesai puasa qadha kita naikin lagi berat badannya !!

Kenapa gw tiba-tiba bisa nongol disini?
Malam ini juga, nggak sadar tiba-tiba udah tengah malam.
Karena keasikan baca buku, liat-liat timeline instagram, baru inget kalo ada tugas desain.

Jadi ceritanya, Mba Ina OG (temen satu bus) ngajakin ikut acara rohis GA, yaitu acara Seminar Muslimah yang Insha Allah dilaksanakan awal September. Kangen sih pengen ikut kegiatan sosial lagi, setelah dua tahun terakhir terlalu sibuk kerja dan tampaknya gw perlu menyibukkan diri dengan hal lain selain pekerjaan. Jadi gw iya-in aja. Saat ditanya mau join divisi apa, gak pake mikir langsung "Dekorasi ada ga Mba?" untungnya, masih sisa 1 slot member untuk divisi dekorasi jadi bisa gabung :D
Setelah itu, gw pun bergabung dengan ukhti-ukhti rohis GA dan mulai ikut rapat-rapatnya. 
Sama PJ divisi 3D (Desain, Dekor, Dokumentasi) gw dikasih job buat bikin design backdrop. Nah tapi belum kepikiran kayak apa. Eh udah kepikiran sih, tapi tangan belum bergerak aja hehehehe
Padahal beberapa hari sekali udah rajin bawa pulang laptop, tapi eeh masih aja belum ada keinginan untuk mulai desain -_-"

Yaudah deh udah malem, cuma punya sisa waktu 4 jam untuk tidur. 
Semoga hari esok penuh berkah dan menyenangkan, Aaamiin ^^

01 July 2016


Haven't I told you that my pilots loves to give me snacks?

countless of chocolates

i usually loves chocolate; but i'm
getting sick of it lately.

greentea kitkat is one kind of snacks that I often received. I even still have 2 bags of unopened green tea kitkats at home, and they already gave me others.

I do realize that this is an act of gratefulness towards myself from them; so eventhough i dont eat their snacks (because do not if its halal or not) but i'm still thankful because at least they did not forget me afterall.

I feel like something has left my body......this morning.

μ–΄λ”” κ°€μš”?
λ‚˜ν•œν…Œ  μ‘°κΈˆλ§Œλ„ μ•ˆλ΄μš”?

I should stop doing this.
I should stop doing this, repeat,
I should stop doing this.

30 June 2016

27 June 2016

Happy birthday Dyas!

On today's sahur we celebrate Dyas' 21st birthday.

why in this photo he looked like 70 lmao

typical commemorative photo of a surprise party in my family:
 *censoring myself because i looked terrible

wanna know a funny story?
Dyas' birthday cake was actually my big brother's birthday cake 3 months ago; which we never eats because my family doesnt like cake that much-and we always put cakes on freezer and everyone literally forgot about it.
Yesterday Dad wanted to buy cake for Dyas but Mom and I stopped him; we said for economical reason we should just use that cake for the rest of every family member's birthday this year. That also means my Dad & my birthday will use that poor cake too lmaoπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

lets see if thats happen for realπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

26 June 2016


Me      : Mah nikahan dea tanggal 6 Agustus. Trus Annisa juga insya Allah udah mau lamaran.
Mama  : Udah pada nikah aja ya... *diam sejenak* Terus kamu kapan...?
Me      :  *baru sedetik belum sempet jawab*
Mama  :  Eh jangan deh kamu mah jangan buru-buru. Di pikir-pikir dulu, jangan sampai salah pilih pasangan... Jangan nyesel nanti kalo udah nikah gabisa bebas ini-itu.. Sekarang dinikmati dulu aja.. Jalan-jalan dulu aja sama mamah..
Me     : *Lah belum juga dijawab, uda argumen sendiri... hahaha si mamah galau*

Yes, Mom.
There will be time when you aren't as strong as now, you may grow older and weaker, and you can't walk far like we used to when travel.
There will be time when I will be busier than ever, working and taking care of my own families that I will have no time for myself.
There will be time when you want me to go travelling with you, but I couldn't because my husband doesn't allowed me to.

Before that time comes, right now, just spend this limited time as much as we can, let's travel more often, taking hundreds photos, simply making memories to the fullest.

Because we can't turn back the time, and we can't heal a regret hearts.

Writing this post while making itineraries for our next trip ^^

Berprasangka Baik :)

Sudah tiga hari terakhir ini, puasa cuma setengah hari.
Iya, serius, cuma sampe dzuhur doang. haha
Awalnya udah sahur, niat puasa, bebersih dll, ternyata batal lagi :(

Hari ini sudah hari ke 7... Hiks.
Memang sih setiap tahun batal puasa sekitar 7-8 hari, tapi Ramadhan tahun ini rasanya lebihhh sedih lagi setiap nggak bisa puasa dan ibadah Ramadhan lainnya. Selain itu, ini sudah masuk 10 hari terakhir... tapi apa daya.. Allah yang Maha Berkuasa..

La Tahzan Adrianaaaa!
Astaghfirullah, buru-buru mohon ampun karena sempet kesel gara-gara ini, padahal seharusnya bersyukur sudah dikasih 'colongan' subuh+dhuha+dzuhur dua hari terakhir ini walaupun ngga tau apakah terhitung atau ngga, biarlah  Allah yang menentukan..

Bismillah, berprasangka baik sama Allah, ada rencana dibalik semua ini :)

23 June 2016


X: Hey, you look glowing recently
S: Am I?? weird thing i dont use make up nowadays
X: Really? are you somehow happy??
S: *giggling* Of course I am!
X: Whyyy~~~? tell mee!
S: hmmm nothing to tell; its just that there were no reason to be sad so I'm just happy! :D
X: hmmm hmmm *nodsnods* *stillcurious*


22 June 2016


μ–΄μ œλ°€μ— 이메일을 λ°›μ•˜μ–΄μš”.

그럼 이게 끝이야...?


λμ΄λ§ˆλ‹€ μƒˆλ‘œμš΄ μ‹œμž‘μΈκ±΄κ°€...?

칼라우 카무 비사 λ°”μ°¨ 포슀트 μ΄λ‹ˆ νƒ„νŒŒ κ΅¬κ²”νŠΈλž€μŠ¬λ ˆνŠΈ, μ•Ό, 포슀트 μ΄λ‹ˆ 뭉킨 메망 λ””νˆ¬μ£ΌμΉΈ 운툭 카무.

[Seoul Autumn Trip 2015] Everland Theme Park

This post is part of my #SeoulAutumnTrip2015 series. 

Third day in Seoul, our itinerary was Everland Theme Park in Gyeonggi-Do. We went there by shuttle bus from Dongdaemun at 10.15 am, paid 12.000 won for return trip (considered expensive but hassle-free), arrived around 11.30 am. The ticket entrance for adult is 48.000 won, Luckily that day was the last day for korea grand sale discount so we only paid 24.000 won (50% discount for foreigner) :D

Surprisingly...and coincidentally, that day was October 31th which is Halloween day! No wonder sooo many people came  with their halloween costumes on. I assume there were costume contest or halloween festival held today. It was nice view and soo many cute kids wearing cute costumes! 😳☺️

Not far from the entrance we stopped by Kpop hologram concert :D

We got our timings right. The moment we arrived, Bigbang's concert was the next schedule. Its empty so we dont need to queue. Its forbidden to take pictures inside so no preview. But its super cool; the hologram looks real and totally got the concert atmosphere.. Tho i dont really follow bigbang but i know their hit songs so i was able to enjoy the concert ^^

Next stop, we found Line Store so everyone's excited to take pictures with some of the characters figure. Did not buy anything cause its pricey haha

Looking by the map, this park is huge and i believe we wont have time to explore all parts or playing some rides. It was considered crowded that day. So we decide to just walk around and if we found interesting rides we'll Q. Unfortunately, all of the interesting rides (and the extreme one, sigh) was crowded so we skipped a lot. Besides, Dea is not the type who can handle extreme rides well so we better rode an attraction which we can enjoy together.

After we had lunch in KFC, we found this i-forgot-the-name-ride and the Q not too long so we hop in the ride.

From this ride, we were bought down to the different part of the park, and from the trip I can see T-Express ride so well! "Girlssss..anyone wanna ride that with me???" I asked and pointed at the moving train that falls to the ground. All of them looked at me with are-you-crazy face, and shook their head in harmony. WHY T_T One of the reason why I came here was to rode T-Express T_T Ok I guess i'll said μ•ˆλ…•~ to T-Express hiks. Maybe next time.

Arrived at the down part of the park there were many attraction for kids, there was also a small zoo which contains a lot of cute animals! 

There is also a horror club which hosts a lot of underground artist; I assume this is where the costume party held. 
We cant enter because its exclusive for ticket holder. and the party starts in the evening anyway.

After looking here and there we decided to Q at one attraction, this one looks like arung jeram in Dufan.. So we Q and it took us almost 1 hour -_-"

We dont play much rides because the waiting time of all rides took more than 40 minutes; so we spent more of our times enjoying the halloween theme around the park and of course, took photos ^^

One last ride before going back, we took cable car up the hill to the park's exit way.

Because we went here by shuttle bus so we need to go back with the same bus to seoul; and the bus departed on 6.30 pm so we have to hurry or else we have to take subway back to Seoul.

Bye bye~
See you again Everland!

20 June 2016

Maybe next time ( :

The timings a little bit off, but... i dont want to be sad or regretting over small things like that.

Apa yang akan terjadi, pasti terjadi. 
Allah Maha Mengetahui :)

18 June 2016

Goodbye DeviantArt :')

Today, June 18th, 2016 I decide to delete my deviantart account.

I started deviant-ing around 2009, after graduated from high school and before college started.
I love DA because I always thought that I am an artsy person, and this place is the right place to express that. I met many people, mostly from abroad and only few people from my real life friends were my deviant friends. I was able to expressed myself that time. I was excited to go anywhere to take good pictures and my desire to draw rose up so high back then.

Actually my DA was ignored for years, until recently I found my own profile by accident and decided to logged in. I just realize that I posted some unworthy images and really ashamed with myself in the past haha
I cleaned up some of my submissions and some reminded me of my not-so-good past. It felt so bittersweet. Because I promised myself I want to change wholeheartedly, so letting go of my past is very important. Besides, I want to limit myself in social media from now.


7 years.
170 Deviations.
14.419 Pageviews.

Good bye DeviantArt, you are good while it lasted :)

16 June 2016


Parah, kayaknya harus pake kacamata kuda supaya bisa fokus T_T


Btw, hari ini tgl 1606... exactly 10 years after what happened on 160606..
How time flies...

There's no regrets, right? :)

09 June 2016

Wishlist: T-Express

Aaaaahh.. nemu foto ini.
Ceritanya mau ala-ala ootd gitu sih.
Tapi malah kebawa feeling pengen naik T-Express T_T
Saat itu partner travellingnya ga ada yg mau diajak naik itu, pd takut semuaπŸ˜” dan krn waktu tunggunya nyampe 2,5jam, ga kebayang jg kalo nekat ngantri sendiri.. bisa garing -_-

Oh siapapun.. next time temani aku naik T-Express please..... 

Marry your daughter - Brian McKnight

A good guy friend of me send me this video a while ago.
He is the kind of friend that shares da'wah with me, we only met once or twice a year but we always in contact. We shared each others love stories, hardship in life, and worries. No feelings involved, really.

I guess he wanted me to change my perspective about guys, that this should be what guys do if they are serious with me. No dating, no chatting, no bullshit promises, just go talk to my father first and see what happened next.

I melted everytime I watched this vid actually :'D Me and my weak heart. Haha.
Well if his intention of giving me this video was to change my standard of how to be treated by guys, I do admit that he succeeds.

and that's a good thing.

08 June 2016




06 June 2016

λ‚œ μ—¬κΈ° μžˆμ–΄ :) 

Cheer up kit for my Mom-to-be Bestie ;)

Eversince we heard that good news that My bestfriend, Tiza a.k.a Babeh is pregnant, somehow our sisters gank always try to cheer up her day.

Before I went to seoul, I asked her if she wanted me to brought her something, and it doesnt take a minute for her to answer, "BANANA MILK!!!" lol I knew she always wanted to try it but I failed to brought it home last time, so this time I was determined to bring some for her. I was worried it would spill if I put it on my luggage but Disny succeed to bring it home last time so okay I'll try.

Knowing that I will bought a lot of things from Seoul this time, I used my 28" luggage. Things gone right, I unpacked my luggage at home and all of the milk were safe! Want to know how much I brought? Dont be too shocked okay?

Tadaaa~! A total of 15 bottles of milk!! hahahhahahgahahahhaha plus countless of biscuits and snacks :D

Its a bit too much but yeaah I am this kind of person.

Back to tiza's wish, when I was in Seoul she suddenly messaged me;;

Okay, pregnant women surprisingly had a very imaginative minds and great memory hahaha how come she suddenly remembered the taste of macaroni schootel my dad made more than 10 years ago??? amaziing hahhahaha

Being a supportive bestie I am, Two days after back from Seoul, I went shopping after work and bought all the ingredients to make this memorable macaroni schootel. Just FYI, tiza is anti-MSG person and with pregnancy of course she would avoid MSG-ish foods. So I specially made the macaroni schootel MSG-free which taste less delicious in my opinion (said by a msg-lovers like me).

Done with macaroni, I packed her some banana milk and snack, along with some kim (nori) and here is my cheer up kit for her;;;:;

The kit contains:

 Cheer up message

Banana Milk λ°”λ‚˜λ‚˜ 우유
Strawberry Milk 달기 우유
Melon Milk λ©”λ‘  우유
Choco-banana ball (?)
KIM !!
Market O's brownie 

Sent it on Thursday morning via gojek from Ciputat to Sudirman, arrived safely 40 minutes later. She was super excited and posted it on path afterwards. 
That makes me happy too ^^ Especially when she said she finished all of them, she loved the milks, kims, and all of the snacks was meet to her liking. As a friend I am happy to make my best friend happy, not to mention my pregnant best friend. My mom told me what I did to her was a bit too much, but I couldnt help it;; I know she had some bad days nowadays and I just want to make her and the baby happier.. Besides, someday when I were pregnant wouldnt it nice if someone did this to me? not in the context that I'm expecting the same treatment, but just wondering how nice that would be. :)

Mission: Cheer Up Kit for my Mom-to-be bestie success!! ^-^