26 June 2016


Me      : Mah nikahan dea tanggal 6 Agustus. Trus Annisa juga insya Allah udah mau lamaran.
Mama  : Udah pada nikah aja ya... *diam sejenak* Terus kamu kapan...?
Me      :  *baru sedetik belum sempet jawab*
Mama  :  Eh jangan deh kamu mah jangan buru-buru. Di pikir-pikir dulu, jangan sampai salah pilih pasangan... Jangan nyesel nanti kalo udah nikah gabisa bebas ini-itu.. Sekarang dinikmati dulu aja.. Jalan-jalan dulu aja sama mamah..
Me     : *Lah belum juga dijawab, uda argumen sendiri... hahaha si mamah galau*

Yes, Mom.
There will be time when you aren't as strong as now, you may grow older and weaker, and you can't walk far like we used to when travel.
There will be time when I will be busier than ever, working and taking care of my own families that I will have no time for myself.
There will be time when you want me to go travelling with you, but I couldn't because my husband doesn't allowed me to.

Before that time comes, right now, just spend this limited time as much as we can, let's travel more often, taking hundreds photos, simply making memories to the fullest.

Because we can't turn back the time, and we can't heal a regret hearts.

Writing this post while making itineraries for our next trip ^^