03 June 2016

Line Friends Store Itaewon

During my recent Spring trip to Seoul, I finally visited Line Friends Store in Itaewon!

Last November I passed by this building a lot of times but they did not opened yet. This branch opened around late November, and known as the biggest Line Flagship Store in Asia.

Meet the giant Brown! Well, this wasnt the biggest Brown they had because Line store in Myeongdong and Garosugil had a waaaay Bigger Brown than this, but this size is enough to snap a pic with. Beside Brown, you can also meet Giant Sally here!

What I love from this store is every space is a photospot! You can even use the dolls and accessories as your photo props, well, as long as you dont broke the sealed one. 


The first floor contains general merchandise stuffs, some photospots such as Giant brown and Brown's sporty-ish room.

On the stairs to second floor you will passed by Sally's tiny room and Cony's super pink room, and on second floor there are some photo spots, Giant Sally, some over-pricey clothing, home accessories.

The third floor is Line Cafe; a place where you can chit-chat with friends, enjoying Line-themed desserts and/or coffee, and yes, took a hundreds pics with it.

Because I am on tight budget;; I only buy cammomile tea which costs krw3500. Pricey but I only bought it for the Brown cup loool. Actually there was a misunderstanding here, that Brown cup was supposed to be used for Latte drinks only, but because I did not know that I gave the waiter some "Jebaaal" face and TA-DA~! She gave me one. Yay!

There are many photospots on 3rd floor~ note yourself DON'T COME HERE ALONE because you will have no one to take a photo of you XD

Overall I loooove this Line Store! Eventhough I didnt use Line much nowadays, I love Line characters a lot especially Brown and Cony. Almost all the merchandises here was overpricey (well for me), but buying something to brought back home won't hurt. In the end I Bought Cony's Earphone (krw 23.000) and Cony's Band Aid (krw 5000) hmm just because (its pink, why do you ask?) XD

Here is the direction if anyone wants to visit this store by subway:
On Line 6, Itaewon Station, Exit 3. After you came out from exit 3 walk straight until the first intersection, then walk straight again for 100 m and its right beside you! So easy to find because the building is HUGE :D