31 December 2012

My 2013 #Note2Wish: #Gadget for Maximal Creativity!

Hello pals!
Masih ingatkah postingan yg ini mengenai Kontes Samsung 1 Day 1 Note? Kalo belum, baca dulu yaa ^^

So last week, Samsung_ID ngadain lagi kontes yang oke banget, dan masih nyambung sama kuis yang #1Day1Note kemarin. Kontes kali ini temanya #Note2Wish. Jadi ada 4 Tema wish yaitu #Gadget (Berhadiah Samsung Galaxy Note II), #Travel (Berhadiah trip liburan ke Bali), #HomeLiving (Berhadiah Voucher Index Rp 7,5Juta), dan #WellBeing (Berhadiah Membership Gym selama setahun). 

Karena di kontes #1Day1Note kemarin gw gagal terus, gw pun merasa ini adalah second-chance yang ga boleh disia-siakan! Sebenernya bulan kemarin ada juga kontes serupa yang temanya #RaisaMusicalNote , tapi saat itu gw lagi hectic sama kuliah jadi nggak sempet ikutan >_< 

Untuk kontes kali ini, gw memilih tema #Gadget. Kenapa? karena gw adalah seorang gadget geek yang ga pernah ketinggalan info gadget terbaru (I'm serious!) dan tentunya hadiah dr tema ini adalah Galaxy Note II yang notabene My Most Wanted Gadget Ever!

So, being creative myself, I made this post to be submitted as #Note2Wish contest. Its all about Galaxy Note II hehe :D Now, enjoy my wish below!

~Adrypink's 2013 #Gadget #Note2Wish~

1. A #Gadget to Capture my precious moment
Insya Allah, kalau gw bisa serius dan mengikuti jadwal, pada tahun 2013 nanti gw akan wisuda dan bergelar S.Sos dari Universitas Indonesia :) This will be my highest academic record and I'm sure I won't miss the chance to capture this precious moment! Galaxy Note II with its 8-Megapixel Camera will be the perfect one to capture this monumental scene of my life!
In the midst of coloring ^^
after coloring with watercolor pencil ;;

2. A #Gadget to keep in touch with my family, lover, and friends :)
Karena gw kehilangan handphone kesayangan gw yaitu Samsung Champ Hello Kitty edition tahun ini, alhasil hingga sekarang gw masih menggunakan handphone lungsuran ayah yang susaaah banget dapet sinyal. This is so bad because some of my friends can't contact me on important occassions :( I hope Galaxy Note II with its 4G LTE Network (well its still not available in Indonesia tho, but HDSPA is fast enough!) can connect me to all social media platform to keep in touch with my beloved people :)

3. A #Gadget that meet my multitasking needs
Watching videos and drawing at the same time is not impossible!
I am an ultimate multitasking person, and I can't focus just doing one thing.. So I really need a gadget that understand me in this case. Suatu hari, gw menemukan video ini di Youtube dan lirik lagu JKT48 muncul di background pikiran gw. "I want you.... I need you....." 

I think this feature is the most innovative thing happened to a phone this year! Beda dari smartphone canggih lainnya yang bisa "multitasking" tapi ganti-gantian window, this awesome phone can do real multitasking! Bener-bener bisa menjalankan dua aplikasi di saat yang bersamaan, tanpa ngehang atau nge-lag! So damn useful! I imagine this thing happened to me.. Bisa browsing sambil buka twitter... Bisa nonton youtube sambil nyatet hal-hal penting.... life will be more efficient!

4. A #Gadget that can bring out the artist in me!
There is one great quote that I adopted in my life...

"Creativity can solve almost every problem. The Creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything." 
-George Lois

#Note2Draw Name art challenge
Inspired by these quotes, the more I think about it.. the more it feels right. Gambar dan designing adalah salah satu passion terbesar dalam hidup gw. Drawing is my theraphy in life. I'm happy when I draw. Even that My drawing is stil so-so but I'm happy and thats enough. Because I'm not good at academic things, so I choose to be creative that I can say:

Being creative is my own definition of being smart. 

Oleh karena itu, gw membutuhkan gadget yang bisa memberikan kepuasan dalam berkreativitas dan mendorong gw untuk tetap berkreasi. Drawing without paper, Coloring without Pencil colour. So far, Galaxy Note II with its S-Pen is the right answer to my needs. Definitely. 

some of my drawing lately.. mostly for #1Day1Note contest

5. A #Gadget to record the moments and share it right away!
I love to record things I saw in life. Akhir-akhir ini, karena gw sering travelling dan nonton konser, ada banyaaak banget video menumpuk di harddisk gw. Sayangnya some of the videos cuma tersimpan begitu aja, tanpa di share sama sekali. Why? karena ribet harus mindahin dari kamera digital ke laptop, perlu di convert dulu kalau formatnya nggak cocok, dan butuh koneksi cepat dan waktu lama untuk upload ke youtube :( But having Samsung Galaxy Note II bisa jadi solusi karena Galaxy Note II bisa HD recording yang resolusinya hingga 1080p dan setelah direkam, syuuuuu~ dengan beberapa touch aja, video kita akan go public di youtube dan bisa ditonton ribuan orang! Bahkan kalau beruntung, bisa jadi artis youtube kayak Sinta-Jojo.. haha.. Problem Solved! ;)

6. A #Gadget to do a perfect selca! 
Nggak bermaksud narsis, tapi selca (Self-camera) tentunya gak pernah lepas dari kehidupan sehari-hari kita :) Saat sendiri dan ingin mengecek penampilan, saat bersama teman se-gank dan mau foto bareng tapi gak ada yang bisa dimintai tolong, selca menjadi jalan keluarnya. Menurut gw ada satu hal penting dalam melakukan selca yaitu: Kualitas front camera! Kebanyakan smartphone saat ini yang dual camera hanya punya kapasitas front camera VGA atau paling tinggi 1.3 mp sehingga nggak maksimal :( tapi Samsung Galaxy Note II udah punya front camera dengan resolusi 1.9 mp!! uwoooow! Hasil selca bisa kinclong dan nggak burem ;)

7. A #Gadget to capture even the fastest moment exist!

I love watching Formula One Racing, and I dreamt of watching it live in a circuit someday. When this time comes, I don't want to miss the moment to capture the speed! Tapi kata orang-orang yang udah pernah nonton F1 secara langsung, butuh keahlian dan kamera yang canggih untuk bisa foto mobil F1 saat sedang balapan. Kalau dipikir memang susah sih foto objek yang bergerak 300km/jam, tapi gw rasa itu nggak impossible dengan Galaxy Note II. Karena kameranya nggak cuma punya resolusi yang besar, tapi fitur baru yang bisa capture 8 foto secara continuous dalam 1 detik! How awesome is that?!

ok i know the F1 car looks weird here >_<

8. A #Gadget that is environment-friendly!
Because I love to draw and write, I consume so much paper in my life :( Gw baru aja menemukan fakta bahwa butuh sekitar 22,4 Juta m2 luas hutan yang ditebang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kertas setiap tahunnya di Indonesia. Bahkan dari tahun 1990 hingga 2000 dataran rendah yang hilang di pulau Sumatera 65-80%nya ditebang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kertas kita :( (Data ini didapat dari wwf.co.id disini )Dalam kasus print dan copy, kita bisa memanfaatkan kertas bolak-balik, tapi saat menggambar nggak bisa bolak-balik:(

I feel bad and feel the urge to reduce this..  Gimana dong caranya supaya gw tetap bisa berkreasi tapi nggak perlu mengkonsumsi kertas secara berlebihan? Tentunya fitur S-Memo di Samsung Galaxy Note II bisa jadi alternatif utama :) Dengan ini gw bisa menggambar sebebas apapun dengan S-Pen, dengan pilihan warna unlimited, nggak perlu beli crayon, pensil warna, spidol, dan terutama kertas! So, I can use paper (and money of course ;) more wisely in the future :)

I believe there are still many awesome features in Galaxy Note II, but I can only discover it if I have it in real life .. 

In the end, let's being simple and conclude all the wish above:

"Samsung Galaxy Note II, Please be mine!!"

I hope my #Gadget #Note2Wish will come true in 2013. 
Amien :)


All photos courtesy of Myself ^^ Made with all my heart, mind, and full efforts~ I'm not really good at drawing the hands part but i hope its fine. Will keep learning! ^^


12 December 2012

[12.12.12] www.adrypink.com is launched! New domain for my blog~

Yaaay! its December 12, 2012 12:12 PM 
and www.adrypink.com is officially launched!!!
Well, i know its only a domain...and this still my old blogspot, but i'm planning to build a new website, a real personal website.
But i think i need time for it! I should buy new web hosting for that, but hey! let's make it a goal for 2013! Aside from my graduation goal, i want to make my personal website with my own web host this year!
but for now, lets update this (abandoned) blog more often!

Thank you for everyone who visited my blog!
one thing you should know before reading some post: THERE WILL BE SO MUCH GRAMMATICAL ERROR in every english post but I keep learning so please forgive me if I do!

Much love, 
xoxo adrypink


01 November 2012

[Cooking Story] Korean Food Contest 2012 Report+Pics!

So, finally on October 6th we participated in the 3rd Korean Food Contest on Mall Taman Anggrek, Jakarta. At first there was a misunderstanding between me and Dea about our participation but we found the way out and decided to participate in the contest.

One day before the contest, I planned to go to Sorak Restaurant in my campus because the Unnie who owns the restaurant (actually its her husband--she is Indonesian) is a very nice person and often teach us how to cook korean food. The last Delicious Seoul Story contest we were being taught by her, but unfortunately that day unnie went to her hometown with her husband so she can't teach us how to make Japchae in the right way. Actually we made Japchae already in our first Delicious Seoul Story Contest last year but this time we made it live, so we have to make sure we made it properly. That time (D-1) I got an email from korean embassy's staff telling me that they cancelled the rules about bringing additional ingredients, when I just thinking about using Tempe (again) as our additional ingredients. That time, I thought we're only make one dish (pick one between Japchae or Ddak maeunjjim) but suddenly I got confused and emailed the staff and the staff said WE HAVE TO MAKE BOTH DISHES. WHAT IT IS. I was worried because i have no idea what is ddak maeunjjim at all--- i went to google but i didn't find the same actual recipe...actually its kind of spicy bruised chicken but I got very confused all night then i got this idea to search for the recipe on naver, using my very limited korean skill. Thanks God the time I type Ddak maeunjjim in hangeul, tons of recipes comes out and i feel like....relieved...in the middle of the night and learn all the recipe which comes out in hangeul--thanks to google translate and decide to go sleep at 2 am because I have to present at the venue before 11 am in the following day.

The Day is come -- Dea and I decided to meet around Pondok Indah and went there by public bus. The contest' venue is a place we didn't come often, so its quite unfamiliar for us. That day, we wore the same blue cardigan and arrived at Taman Anggrek around 10.30 AM. The moment I saw the venue.....I got a mental breakdown........because the cooking table looks exactly like I saw in Mastef Chef and I got very nervous.... its also located in the heart of the mall, so everyone---from first floor till fourth floor can take a peek at us and so many people came!

So take a look at some pics before the contest.
Preparation time... Really like masterchef right?

look at the crowd! its no joke 0_0

Adry in chapron:)

Dea in chapron :)
Selca before the contest started!
I originally plan to take some pics or even a video when I cook to be posted in my youtube channel, but really.. I HAVE NO TIME! I was so nervous because the judges and cameraman come back and forth.. looking at every things I do, and I was so hectic doing this and that and some thing didn't happened in the way that I wanted to. I was a bit sorry to Dea because at the time like this, I usually start being bossy and I know she knew that side of me so well as we work together so many times (Love you, my partner xoxo). And WE HAVE NO MUCH TIME LEFT. The MC keep reminding us about the remaining time and everytime he did that, I feel like my knees will fall to the ground. You know what? I even took my shoes out because I wear wedges that time and thats so uncomfortable, so I do the whole thing BAREFOOT (but i think no one realize and see that, lol).
The ddakmaeunjim proccess doing well, but the Japchae isn't. We got a problem with the carrots because we really can't cut it thinly. The problem is the knife! The knife was too big for us, as we usually cut with small knife at home, and Dea was so scared that time so I have to be calm and try to cut the veggies as small as I can. I also made a mistake (not really a mistake actually, its an understanding) because I thought we have to cook ALL the ingredients they gave to us. The chicken is like...ummm...freaking 1 kilograms? and I cooked all of them, but because the pan is not so big (its pink, btw. I really want to take it home but the staff took it right away after the contest T_T) so the chicken having a tough time cooked theirselves. So many funny things happened in the cooking proccess and let that be Dea and me secret lol XD One hour passed and in the end, we managed to make it! Thanks God half of the chicken cooked perfectly (while the other half didn't) and The Japchae is ok, too, eventho i feel its tasteless T_T

so here look at the photos after the cooking ended!
Dak Maeunjjim and Japchae by Haengbok Team! ^^
Uri-neun Haengbok-tim-ieyo! ^^

The Judges try out our dishes :) He is Korean Embassy's Senior Chef

Jal mokseumnidaa! >u< 

We felt relieved and very satiesfied with our dishes.. I mean, its not perfect but its ok ^^ I was so happy and proud because I decide to make some cute signboard for the dishes so that the Korean Embassy happily took photos of our dish with his phone..and in the end took our photos also kk ^^ Around 15 Minutes later, the MC announced the result and...... *drumroll* WE GOT LOVE CHEF AWARD!! well...its a WOW!! We really didn't expect this because of the mess we made at the cooking proccess, lol, its not the first place anyway but WE'RE EXTREMELY HAPPY! Later I found out that my mom and dad also coming to watch but they arrived 5 mins before the cooking end, but I'm happy that they came!

Love chef award! Surprise!!

happy faceee~~

Haengbok team with my mom ^^

hectic by ourselves kk

time to pack out....
So, thats the end of our first *real-life* cooking contest.. Dea and I really happy and we feel that we got a very precious memory and great experience that will help us go through our next cooking contest (if there's any).. We sure will participate again in this kind of contest in the future, also Delicious Seoul Story Video Contest...we will not miss it every year (until we win of course).. Ah, there are many ingredients left unused in the contest and they say we're able to take it home, so... maybe i'll make some korean food at home using some of the ingredients.. wait for this! hehe and see you in another cooking story! Haengbokhaseyo~~ (Be happy~) ^^


22 October 2012

Samsung 1 Day 1 Note Contest: Bring the artist in you!

Jadi ceritanya, selama dari tanggal 20an september sampai 12 Oktober lalu, Samsung Indonesia ngadain kontes besar-besaran yang hadiahnya satu buah Galaxy Note II Setiap harinya!WOW BGT KAN!! Kontesnya ada 3 tema, yaitu Note 2 Write, Note 2 Draw, dan Note 2 Capture yang masing-masing dipimpin sama ahlinya, yaitu Adib Hidayat, Iwet Ramadhan, dan Renny Fernandez. Menurut gw pribadi, kontes ini salah satu kontes yang seru banget karena setiap hari tantangannya punya tema yang berbeda dan bener-bener mengasah kreativitas kita. Meskipun kadang yang menang karyanya biasa aja tapi mungkin itu emang udah rejekinya dia kali ya...
its been so long since the last time i played with those stuffs <3 td="td">
Akhirnya, gw pun dengan senang hati ikut serta dalam tantangan ini. Sayangnya gw nggak tahu kontes ini dari awal, jadinya nggak ikutan semuanya. dan jujur, gw juga pilih-pilih gitu ikutannya..tergantung temanya  apa... kalo yang Note 2 Write sama Note 2 Draw gw biasanya paling semangat, hahaha. Unfortunately, entah memang belum rejeki gw (maybe someday) atau memang karya-karya gw kurang oke, sampe hari terakhir gw nggak menang sama sekali. Sedih sih, secara gw udah ikutan dengan sangat niat dan ngidam banget Galaxy Note II itu...... heuh.. tapi biasalah, karena gw ini banci kuis yang tidak mudah menyerah alhasil gw pun tidak terpuruk dalam kesedihan begitu lama karena masih ada kontes-kontes lainnya..mwahahaha XD

sekarang, gw mau recap hasil karya gw selama kontes 1 day 1 note ini. Karena sayang banget kalo udah bikin bagus2 (ceilah pede amat -_-;;) tapi cuma nongkrong di folder laptop, jadi marilah kita share ke seluruh dunia haha XD

~~~ Challenge 1: Note 2 Write ~~~
Tema tantangan 1 Oktober 2012 : Quotes dari lirik lagu favorit kamu

Lagu favorit gw? tentulah This Boy-nya James Morrison! Awal mula ceritanya, hari itu kan gw ulang tahun yang ke 22, trus gw bingung mau ngapain... entah kenapa gw pengen banget ngelakuin hal yang seru, misalnya jalan2 keliling jakarta sendirian, atau ngapain kek. tetiba gw kepikiran untuk donor darah! yep, donor darah adalah satu hal yang pengeeeeeen bgt gw lakuin dr dulu tapi belum sempet kesampaian karena berat badan gw yang biasanya di bawah 45. Tiba2 aja gw pengen bgt, dan cari tau dimana tempat gw bisa donor darah..ternyata di Sency ada cabang PMI yasudah gw pun cabs kesana... ini sebenernya ngambil fotonya rada ribet sih, krn gw pertama kali donor danar dan sendirian alhasil gw ketakutan banget...ternyata as usual, gak sakit kok =_=" akhirnya dengan sedikit bantuan mas"nya (si mbaknya jutek parah) akhirnya gw pun berhasil foto sm tulisan quotes lagunya james dengan jarum tertusuk di nadi gw (entah kenapa ngilu ya nulisnya) hahaha
This Boy, James Morrison. The older I get, the more that I know that letting go of my blood for the sake of dying people is very necessary thing to do!

Tema tantangan 7 Oktober 2012 : Tulis lirik lagu indonesia lalu mention seseorang yang berhubungan dengan lagu tersebut
here is my work!

Superstar - Project Pop for @GaemGyu
Melawan dunia - Peterpan for @nitasw
Kisah kasih di sekolah for my udell :*
For @dindasavitri : Have a safe flight to Seoul!
Sahabat Setia by Andien for my girls: @aandariani @tizacaesara @rassyakarlita
Antara Anyer dan Jakarta buat sweet couple @dimas_bedu & @maisyalina
Bimbang - buat si mbul @GaemGyu =_=;;
Ekspresikanlah - buat diri gw sendiri @adrypink ^^;;

 Tema tantangan 10 Oktober 2012 : Tulis tentang artis pendatang baru Indonesia
Gw sempet bingung sih, secara gw gak update bgt artis indonesia T_T akhirnya gw minta saran dari temen2 dan inilah yang gw buat:

Rija Abbas a.k.a Rumor yang nyanyi butiran debu
Everybody Knew~~~Citra Skolastika
wkwkwkwk coboy junior! Some of my friends suggest them hahaha

~~~ Challenge 2: Note 2 Draw ~~~
Khusus yang note 2 draw, gw cuma ikutan sekali hehehe. soalnya lagi suka mood2an gitu gwnya -_- gw sih suka bgt hasil karya note 2 draw gw yang gw ikutin, temanya: NAME ART.
sebenernya gw bikin banyak, tapi yg di submit cuma 1 sih..
I made it with all my heart and effort :'')

~~~ Challenge 3: Note 2 Capture ~~~
Nah yang ini suka random sih yg menang, soalnya kadang gw nemu ada yang ikutan fotonya baguuuus banget, eh yang menang biasa aja. Jadinya sebenernya kans untuk menang lebih besar dibanding yang lain krn butuh skill, tapi yaaa, pada akhirnya gw juga ga menang satupun (hahaha)
challenge yang ini gw cuma ikutan 2x, yang temanya Binatang sama last challenge yg temanya "tunjukin kalo kita udah nunggu banget Galaxy Note II" entry yg kedua ini rada gak jelas sih gw bikinnya hahaha jd ceritanya foto mendadak pas lagi karaokean di Inul Vista, br inget ada kontes ini trus brb cari lagu yang ada kata "menunggu"nya... ketemu deh dua lagu, lagunya Ridho Rhoma sama Peterpan kkkk

 Tema binatang
Doggie unyu yg gw temuin di Hongdae, Seoul

Kucing bobo siang di SMA 34

Tema menunggumu...
Aku menunggumu...menunggumu...menunggumuuu..
Ye'a~~~ngedangdut doloooo~~ datanglaaah~~~~ kedatanganmu kutungguuu~~

So, begitulah ceritanya...salah satu pengalaman gw ikutan kontes yang seruuu meskipun nggak menang tapi seneng karena secara gak langsung bikin gw jadi produktif nulis dan gambar lagiii :D So, still wanna say thank you for @Samsung_ID for making this competition..hope next time i can join again and win some prize kekeke ^^
